Saturday, February 9, 2019

A Shithole System: New York City’s Workforce Development System

New York City’s obsolete Workforce Development System is an out-of-date, primitive, dysfunctional, pro-failure, anti-citizen, opaque, unaccountable and is poorly managed. It is completely unacceptable. It screws over its customers (impoverished citizens) & the taxpayers alike.


Cynical incompetent government agencies and “non-profit” entities are failing our marginalized citizens. Corruption is rampant.

NYC’s Workforce Development system needs oversight and fundamental reform NOW!


Apathy Kills

The single most important qualities in a Job Placement Professional is intellectual curiosity. Without this it is impossible to

  • Conduct interviews properly in order to ascertain value, selling points
  • Know what questions to ask to collect crucial data
  • Determine employers’ needs, in detail
  • Identify general ability and transferable skills
  • Treat job-seeker as talent, so that placement professional acts as talent agent
  • Create innovative solutions, thinking out-of-the-box
  • Be organized, set goals, meet those goals, be accountable
  • Keep the opportunity cost concerns of job-seeker in mind

Absence of Customer-Centered Communication Skills

A behavior characteristic of petty officiousness is quite common among job placement workers, resulting in an absence of empathy for customers that is nowadays seen among so many public-facing clerks at chain stores and government offices.

Avoidable Consequences

Consequences of NYC’s failure to take workforce development seriously:

  • Increased suicide
  • Illness due to increased poverty
  • Family breakup
  • Citizens being treated as inferiors to Non-Citizens (including illegal aliens).
  • General social decline in the NYC culture at large

Naming Names

Based on the testimony oif multiple witnesses we can testify that the following organizations have been engaged in corrupt activities, or, have demonstrated chronic extreme incompetence:

Workforce1 (NYC)
ACCES-VR (NY State Dept. of Education)
America Works (for-profit)
Career Gear
Fedcap - $80 million revenue
DRNY (Disability Rights New York)
Rusk Institute
Visconti Center / Abilities Inc.



Corrupt Social Worker Scams

A scam has been spotted in the habit of non-profits to hire social workers to perform job placement services, when these people are utterly inappropriate choice for such work. They cause harm. It is clear that there is an effort on the part of social workers to occupy positions and then create more jobs for social workers – as a form of favoritism.

Creating jobs for MSW (social workers). There people are not only unqualified but they have anti-business, anti-success beliefs. Their most notable characteristic is that they smile a lot (inappropriately) and they constantly lie to the customer.

For mentally ill clients, social workers are useful. But for people with serious economic problems in need of prompt appropriate solution, social workers are much worse than worthless. These persons consume financial resources better spent on desperately qualified placement experts, stand in the way of prosperity.


Social Work degree students

Social Work degree students are often used as cheap labor by non-profits, a practice that allows top managers’ salaries to stay at higher levels. These people have so little knowledge and experience in business, labor, technology, are so lacking in life experience in general that they are a waste of time for clients.


Non-profits are anti-business

Ignorance of economics undermines service providers' competence in assisting with problems that are, in large part, economic ones (from bot prospective employer and prospective employee perspective).



